Whether it’s a crown, an implant, or a bridge, dental work usually stays with us for life. Today, more of these products are now being imported.
There are no regulations or mandatory inspections before these items are put in a patient’s mouth.
Dickerman Dental Prosthetics in Massachusetts has made quality a priority for three generations. They use top notch materials and many of the workers have been at their craft
for more than 20 years.
Company president Ira Dickerman is concerned patients might be getting devices that aren’t up his standards.
Dickerman believes the products coming in from Mexico, Costa Rica, the Philippines and China are not as well made as those produced domestically. The National Association of Dental Laboratories estimates up to 40 percent of these products are now coming from overseas.
Dr. David Samuels, chairman of the Board of Registration for dentistry in Massachusetts, explained there is no oversight of these products by the Food and Drug Administration.
“There are certainly concerns that the metals could have lead in them. That is not a substance you want in your body
, or other, even carcinogenic materials,” added Dr. Samuels.
It is not just imports that don’t get scrutinized. Ten states have enacted some type of consumer safeguards for dental labs.
While, Florida has some safeguards in place requiring labs to register, disclose materials and point of origin, no out of state labs are required to register and dentists are not required to use registered labs.
Brad Dalton, Deputy Press Secretary for the Florida Department of Health says ultimately, “the prescribing dentist is responsible for the final work product.”
Steve Sheehan, a vice president at Straumann USA in Andover, a state of the art dental manufacturer, said someone could literally open a dental lab in their basement if they wanted.
“You need to have a license to cut hair, but you don’t need to have a license to create
a restoration that is going in a patient’s mouth,” added Sheehan.
According to Sheehan, many reputable companies have industry certifications, but he still believes government should get involved.
“There needs to be a certain amount of trace-ability to the products if something goes wrong,” he said. “There are issues of warranty when talk about product that fails.”
Dr. Samuels said he would like to see the Board of Registration develop standards for labs.
“I think the labs would benefit. I think the dentists would benefit. But most importantly, I think the consumer, the public, would benefit as patients,” he said.
In the meantime, experts say it’s okay to ask a dentist if they know where their products are made, and if they use a lab certified by an industry trade association.
Source: http://miami.cbslocal.com/2015/12/07/unregulated-dental-products-pose-health-threat/
In other dental news: Aurident offers the Optimet DS 6000 Scanner which uses patented proprietary conoscopic holographic technology to generate highly accurate and consistent scans.
The DS 6000 Scanner can be used for all dental applications such as copings, full contour crowns, bridges up to 14 units, implants, implant bars and dentures.
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