Wednesday, November 18, 2015

'They can't afford soap, let alone toothpaste': Dentists travel around Australia fixing drought-stricken farmers' teeth

Extreme and persistent drought has spread across more than 80 percent of Queensland this year, leaving rural farmers scrambling to make ends meet.
Most have even had to forgo even basic necessities such as medical care, which can lead to multiple health issues and constant pain.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service dental team is seeing this up close as they travel in an 18-wheeler mobile dental van and offer free treatment to the farmers on their own doorstep.
Rural farmers in drought-stricken Queensland are forgoing proper medical and dental care because of lack of money and the inability to travel to larger cities that offer such care
Rural farmers in drought-stricken Queensland are forgoing proper medical and dental care because of lack of money and the inability to travel to larger cities that offer such care
The Royal Flying Doctor Service dental team has travelled across the drought area this year and offered many of the farmers free dental care and treatment
The Royal Flying Doctor Service dental team has travelled across the drought area this year and offered many of the farmers free dental care and treatment
‘They can’t afford soap, let alone toothpaste and a toothbrush,’ dental nurse Jo Conway said 
‘They can’t afford soap, let alone toothpaste and a toothbrush,’ dental nurse Jo Conway said 
‘They are slogging their hearts out just to make a living,’ dental nurse Jo Conway told the Gympie Times.
‘They can’t afford soap, let alone toothpaste and a toothbrush.’
Ms Conway said the gratitude of those they treat is overwhelming and that sometimes their work doesn't just help the patients but saves their lives.


In other dental news: Aurident's 3D dental scanners offer superior quality for both model and impression scanning. The Optimet DS 6000 Scanner uses patented proprietary conoscopic holographic technology to generate highly accurate and consistent scans. The DSi 6000 Impression & Model Scanner overcomes the limitation of other scanners by accurately scanning impressions and models where other scanners have difficulty.

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